So far this spring, I've added three beds to the garden plans and eliminated four. The beds next to the house are slowly being removed from use and even existence. The only two remaining beds contain strawberries and asparagus. The strawberries look like they're going to have a really productive year. The plants are as vigorous as I've ever seen them and they've flowered heavily. So we'll see how that goes. The asparagus bed produced a whopping five sprouts this year, which is five more than last year.
In the map above, you'll notice there are lots of leeks planted, 90 to be precise-ish. 45 Alto leeks from Greenfield Community Farm and 45 King Richard leeks. I believe they were from Shoestring Farm in Colrain, but I'm not certain. I'll have check the farmer's market this weekend to confirm the source. In addition to the leeks, I've also transplanted 45 Copra onions (not pictured in this map), also from Shoestring (I think).
The bed on the far left of the map is new for this year. It has eight of our blueberry bushes transplanted. I wasn't able to get the last three moved over before they budded/leafed out, so the other three will need to move next spring.
The five red hexagons represent the first of the planted tomatoes. I believe these are all from Crabapple Farm in Chesterfield, but I'm going to have to double check. They were purchased from the Tuesday market in Noho, but I failed to record the name of the vendor that sold them. The varieties planted so far are:
- MM - Moneymaker (2)
- PR - Purple Russian (2)
- YB - Yellow Beefsteak (1)
I've got 21 more still to transplant from four different sources.
4 Purchased from Bear Roots Farm:
- AP - Amish Paste (2)
- SG - Striped German (2)
9 purchased from Dancing Bear Farm:
- SC - Sungold Cherry (1)
- LD - Lemon Drop Cherry (1)
- SW - Snow White (1)
- MR - Martin's Roma (2)
- FL - Florentino (2)
- CC - Chocolate Cherry (2)
4 purchased from Natural Roots:
- SR - Speckled Roman (2)
- GP - Garden Peach (2)
4 purchased from Red Fire Farm:
- SRF - Speckled Roman (2)
- HD - Honey Drop (1)
- HB - Hillbilly (1)
This Saturday I'm going to hit up both the Ashfield and Greenfield Farmers' markets to see if there's anything else that strikes my fancy. Even with 26 plants, I feel like there's still room for one or two more tomatoes. That might be because we're pretty heavy on the cherry tomatoes (6) this year. That's ok, last year we did four, with two of them a 'tiny' variety. There's some duplication this year, which is due totally to buying plants from a variety of sources. I bought 'Speckled Roman' from two sources without realizing it; additionally Honeydrop and Lemon Drop are basically the same tomato (again from multiple sources).
Normally all of my tomatoes come from Dancing Bear Farm in Leyden, MA. However they had some problems this spring, perhaps due to a change in seed start mix and the result was some slowed growth. I bought a few plants from him and they've put some good growth on the last couple of days, so I'm optimistic that they'll still produce nicely.
Update: Friday, May 30 - Transplanted eight tomato plants this morning: Speckled Roman and Garden Peach from Natural Roots; and Florentino and Chocolate Cherry. The map has been updated accordingly.
Update: Wednesday, June 3 - Transplanted another 8 tomatoes, 5 peppers, 3 herbs and direct seeded some summer squash and corn over the weekend. Transplanted the last 2 tomatoes, another 6 peppers and 5 swiss chard tonight.
Update: Friday, May 30 - Transplanted eight tomato plants this morning: Speckled Roman and Garden Peach from Natural Roots; and Florentino and Chocolate Cherry. The map has been updated accordingly.
Update: Wednesday, June 3 - Transplanted another 8 tomatoes, 5 peppers, 3 herbs and direct seeded some summer squash and corn over the weekend. Transplanted the last 2 tomatoes, another 6 peppers and 5 swiss chard tonight.
3 purchased from Atherton Farm:
- MS - Mr. Stripley
- OG - Old German
- YB - Yellow Brandywine
2 purchased from Good Bunch Farm:
- SGA - Striped German
- MO - Moskovich
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