Rosewood (ARK) - 65
Conway Russian Red (ARK) - 75
Spanish Roja (Greenfield Farm) - 77
Georgian Fire (Greenfield Farm) - 32
It took me just a couple of hours this afternoon. I guess I should have a feeling of accomplishment, but instead I keep on thinking about how much is left to do and how I should've done it weeks ago.
Tomorrow, I'm hoping to get rest of it planted. I've got 100+ cloves of mixed types to grow for next year, however I think a lot of it isn't viable. It came out of the beds where nearly everything was lost to rot and a lot of the cloves are discolored and shrunken, I'm going to try planting it anyway, much of it under the apple trees.
Some of what I'm planting is the topset from softneck garlic. I'm wondering what it will do and how long it will take to form full heads. I'm planting two bulbs grown from topsets last year. I think it'll take two or three seasons to get viable heads out of them. My (crack-pot) theory is that the topsets will produce garlic better adapted to the climate and soil here on the hill. Well, we'll see in a couple of years.
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