- Spotted my first robin in the yard
- Drina has switched from snow to grass for rolling (well more mud and debris, than grass).
- We can see/use all of the back steps and the picnic table is accessible again.
- The beard is gone.
Plans for this year are starting to pick up, while tasks and chores from last year and the winter are still pestering me.
- There's at least two cords of wood on the ground that needs to be cut, stacked and split.
- Yard clean up last year was barely done.
- Clean up the random piles of crap the previous owner left lying around.
- Break down and clean up the five fire pits the previous owner built.
- Clean up the scraps from the wood delivery.
- Thin out the saplings, shrubs and weeds from the edges of the yard.
- Interior projects from last year left undone: including re-assembling the spare bedroom; putting shelves in the upstairs closet; finishing the ceiling in the master bed; putting up the new fan in the master bed; organize the basement.
- Clear space for the hoop house - including taking down at least five sizable trees; two probably requiring a professional.
- Cut, split and stack wood for next year. Goal: six cords.
- Repair deck from winter damage. Paint exposed parts of the deck with leftover paint
- Build at least four new garden beds, probably more along the lines of six.
- Build low tunnels for two of the new beds plus removable tunnels for the two big beds.
- Re-build the diamond shaped bed to be square or rectangular.
- Move the Arborvitae (well, we think that's what it is).
- Clean up and re-mulch the flower beds.
- Remove the lean-to.
- Clean out the two remaining sheds.
- Build a proper, safe fire pit.
All these things I want to do leave me with the questions: when am I going to find time and how am I going to pay for this stuff?
Not to needlessly pile on stuff, but I also need to put together a final sugaring post. That'll go on 'things to do tomorrow' list.
- Empty sap buckets
- Pull taps
- Split wood for final boil
- Clean boiling pans
- Write final 2011 sugaring post